Model: Operation: 型 号:□ 运 行:□ Outside: Fittings: 外 观:□ 配 件:□ Manual: Packing: 说明书:□ 包 装:□ QC by: 质检员:□ Date: 日 期:□ Customer acceptance:: 客户验收:□ Date: 日 期:□ The product provided by our company.have passed entirely the eligibility test.All of them make a good performance before leaving company.Make sure to avoid an unnecessary misunderstanding sue to the damages on transportation.please inspect products again before sale and read the specification before use. 本公司供应之产品,全部经过出厂前合格检验,性能良好,为确保在运输途中造成破损,免不必要的误会,出售前再由各地分销商检验,使用前请阅读说明书。 | |
Model: Operation: 型 号:□ 运 行:□ Outside: Fittings: 外 观:□ 配 件:□ Manual: Packing: 说明书:□ 包 装:□ QC by: 质检员:□ Date: 日 期:□ Customer acceptance:: 客户验收:□ Date: 日 期:□ The product provided by our company.have passed entirely the eligibility test.All of them make a good performance before leaving company.Make sure to avoid an unnecessary misunderstanding sue to the damages on transportation.please inspect products again before sale and read the specification before use. 本公司供应之产品,全部经过出厂前合格检验,性能良好,为确保在运输途中造成破损,免不必要的误会,出售前再由各地分销商检验,使用`前请阅读说明书。 |
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